
We have a number of active ministries at The Gathering Church.

Restore Outreach Ministries - Led by Pastor April Harris, serves a meal every Monday at our West Campus at 5:30 pm. Recovery classes for all ages are at 6:30.

Pop-Up Grill - Led by Bob Bailey, serves a hot meal Fridays at Noon at our West Campus. All are welcome.

Sunday Breakfast Ministry - Led by Clint & Lindsey Wietop. In November of 2020 we started a hot meal breakfast program. The first 2 months of this program, we served over 700 meals. The need for feeding those in our community has been greater than ever! It has been an incredible opportunity to serve those in our city.

Found8ion 12&12 - Led by Sharon Woolsey. Provides Christ centered 12 step recovery meetings every Tuesday & Thursday at 6:00 pm at our Downtown Campus.

Courageous Community Evansville - Led by Stacie Kierstead.  Adult sewing classes teach individuals how to make quilts and blankets that are given to those in need and our local animal shelters. They meet every Wednesday from 10:00am - 2:00pm  and 4:00pm - 5:45pm.

Disciples of Christ - In partnership with The Gathering Church, D.O.C. provides safe affordable housing to those in the beginning stages of their transformed lives.

Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” 

Matthew 14:16


Each area of service is led by a different volunteer leader. Click the button below and let us know where you would like to get involved and we will get your information to the right team leader.